Carter’s wish

Help make Carters wish a reality today

Family Holiday:  Target = £150

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“I’d love to go on a family holiday”

Carter is 2 years old and  lives with his big sister Casey,  but in his short life he has experienced the hardship that comes along with a parent battling a chronic illness.

Tina, Carters mum has stage 4 breast cancer, and has been undergoing treatment since her pregnancy with Carter. In 2017 she had to endure a lumpectomy, anaphylactic shock and mastectomy. Plus months of radiotherapy and reconstruction. This has had a huge effect on the family and stolen precious time together.

With more devastating news coming to the family as Tina found out the cancer has spread to her liver, and now faces a life long battle with chemotherapy, at just 36 years old, she now faces a life long battle and chemotherapy treatments.

carter's wish

We would love to be able to bring hope, laughter and lasting memories to this truly remarkable family.

Carter is just 2 years old and has his whole life filled with hospital appointments worry and distress around his mums health, Casey is now 15, and a true unsung hero, helping her mum as much as she can. We desperately need to pull together to give these wonderful children something positive to look forward to and their brave family some lasting memories and hope.

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We help grant children’s smiles and in order to ensure that everyone has their smile granted, we may use your donation for another wish.

 See our terms and conditions. From the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank you for your kind support.

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