
Please Donate Today

Grant A Smile© is working tirelessly to improve lives, grant wishes and make family life less stressful. We rely on corporate sponsors to cover our running cost and rely on public donations to fund our practical home support services. Please donate as little and as much as you can. We need your kind donations so we can consistently serve more deserving families crying out for help.

Make A one off Donation

Feel great! Your donation will make a huge difference in the lives of families who are in desperate need to smile.

Grant a Wish

Make a Regular Donation

Your kind donation will be used to support families struggling with life-altering health conditions, to help them live independently and help to grant smiles to their children.

Other ways to support us

Bring and Buy sales – Fun runs – Coffee mornings? Whatever you choose to do, help us help a family by fundraising for Grant A Smile.

Do something truly amazing – Volunteer for us today!

Alternatively, you can donate via cash or cheque – please contact us for more information.

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