
You decide which event you want to take part in.

Events include Running, Cycling, Mountain Climbing, Skydiving, Seasonal Fun Fair, Sales, Special Events, Sports and more…

Whatever challenge you have chosen to take on, we would love for you to raise money for Grant A Smile.

We love seeing our supporters tackling different challenges across the UK and sometimes even the world!

You will receive full support from the Challenge Team and they will be on hand to help you with your fundraising and training where necessary.
You will also receive:

  • A welcome pack and email full with fundraising ideas
  • Dedicated support
  • Access to Grant A Smile branded posters for your fundraising
  • A bright coloured Grant A Smile t-shirt, running vest or cycling vest.

Please let us know what you are planning to do by completing the form below and we will be in touch to support you with it.

Tell us about your event

    Please tick to confirm*
    This form is for people who have already got their place in an event - please tick to confirm you have booked your place

    Does your employer offer matched giving?

    I would be happy to receive communications from Grant A Smile
    EmailPostTelephoneNone of the above

    If you have any questions about taking on a sports event for us, call the Challenge Team on 0203 3609 4538 or email us.

    Comments are closed.