Amelia’s Family Wish Granted

Once in a lifetime wish granted for Amelia’s family!

Help create memorable memories for Amelia and her family today!

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“We would love to have a family holiday!”

This is a special wish for a very special little girl!

Wish Granted – How You Can Help

Whilst we normally focus on families who have a chronically ill parent, this wish has little Amelia at the heart of the family who is, unfortunately, battling several life-limiting conditions. Her mum reached out to us with Amelia’s story and we just couldn’t turn them away. They have been through so much as family and we would truly love to be able to grant this wish so they can create lasting family memories whilst there is still time. Unfortunately, Amelia will unlikely be able to walk, talk, sit or crawl and her life expectancy is uncertain.

wish granted

Amelia is two and a half year old, born 12 weeks early and in her short life she has suffered from; Sepsis, multiple episodes of Meningitis and Pneumonia which has meant a significant amount of her life has been in and out of the hospital. Along with these serious episodes, Amelia also suffers from has severe epilepsy, chronic lung disease and Angelman Syndrome.

Amelia’s family have a huge amount to deal with on a daily basis, both mum and dad spend all their time ensuring Amelia receives the care she deserves, but as you would imagine, this puts a huge strain on the family and they have been unable to really enjoy time together.

Amelia along with her brothers, parents and extended family would truly benefit from a holiday together, time to enjoy the moment and make the memories that will last forever.

Please help us give this wonderful family a lifeline, a break and some happiness.

Please donate today!

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