Decluttering Your Home – ONE ROOM AT A TIME

declutter your home one room at a time

Decluttering without getting rid of a clutter in your home means you are just relocating clutter and still feeling depressed about your home. Decluttering your home can be liberating. The less possessions you have, the simpler your life will become. This then makes a place that is peaceful and enjoyable no matter how big or small it is. These are my skilled suggestions for how to begin your decluttering journey, one room at a time.


Decluttering – In The Bedroom


You should feel calm and at ease in your bedroom so that you can relax and get a good night’s sleep. You can read about how mess can affect your sleep here. Clear off the tops of your nightstands and chest of drawers to begin. Then, when you walk into your bedroom, you won’t see a lot of stuff on the surfaces.

Reorganise and sort through your clothes one group at a time, starting with socks and pants and moving on to tops and pants. Keep the things you love and use. If you can’t decide, pick your five best things from each group. After that, compare these clothes to the rest of the clothes in the same group. It is best to begin with an area to which you have the least personal connection. This will help your “decluttering muscles” get ready. Then it will be simpler for you to choose when you get to the harder things.

Use vacuum pack storage bags if you don’t have much room and have things you don’t use very often, like ski clothes or big winter coats. Put them somewhere hard to get to, like under the bed or on top of the closet. This makes room in your closet for things you wear more often.


 In the Kitchen


Kitchens tend to have a lot of stuff lying around, like tools and toys. Cleaning and decluttering out your cabinets will make room for things that normally take up space on the counters. Put things you want to keep but don’t use as often on places that are harder to get to. You might want to think about whether you really need those tools that take up a lot of room. How long has it been since you used your pressure cooker?

Clean out your cabinets of old food and sauces. Give food that hasn’t gone bad but that you know you won’t eat to a food bank. Collection boxes are usually located near the cash registers at most large stores. You could also give it to your friends through the Olio app. Donate this food to someone who needs it instead of throwing it away. Making a full shopping plan of all the things you like to have will help you avoid buying too much at the store. Before you go shopping for food, compare this list to what’s in your fridge and cabinets and only mark the things you need to buy.

Overnight, Tupperware seems to grow like crazy! Find pots with lids that go together and figure out how many you need each week for food prep and big cooking. Then, get rid of the extras.

decluttering kitchen


The Living Room and its Decluttering


Most of your time is spent in the living room, followed by the kitchen. Think about what each piece of furniture in the room is for and whether there are any that aren’t needed. You could paint or restore the item to give it a new look if you still need it but don’t like the way it looks.

Do you have picture frames and ornaments on your shelves and other surfaces? They might look nice, but they take a lot of work and time to dust. Think about whether you really need these things on show or if you could get rid of some to make cleaning easier.

Everyone has a “junk drawer” where they put things that don’t have a proper place. Make a “useful drawer” by taking everything out and putting away things that aren’t needed anymore.


decluttering your office or study room


Study or Office at Home


If you work or study from home, you know how important it is to keep your home office or study room clean and organised so that you can get the most done.

Paperwork is still a pain, even in this modern world, so make a method that works for you. You should ask yourself why you need to keep all of the information you have around, especially if you can get copies of it online. To stop identity theft, don’t forget to shred any papers that have personal information on them. Choose a filing system. A4 lever arch files with marked sections are great for keeping everything in one place, but if you don’t like cutting holes in papers, filing boxes with plastic folders are another choice. You can save room by scanning or photographing your papers and then uploading them. Just make sure you back everything up first.

Figure out where in your system the paperwork breaks down. Is it even opening your post? You could put a letter rack next to your front door if you buy one. If you put a trash can close too, you can quickly get rid of any junk mail when you open the mail.



Children or Game Room



Children’s playrooms can go from being clean to looking like a bomb site in a matter of seconds. But getting rid of stuff is often easiest in the playroom. Having fewer toys makes it easy to clean up at the end of the day.

Get your kids involved in getting rid of clutter by having them group together things that are similar, like soft toys. By teaching them this “sorting game,” you can help them form a habit that they can use in their beds and, eventually, in their own rooms when they get older. Keep an eye out for toys that your kids no longer need, have outgrown, or have already been played with. Good-condition toys should be given to organisations. They will be picked up by the British Heart Foundation from your house. Lots of organisations, like Little Village, will take gifts of kids’ stuff and make sure it gets to families who need it the most.

The playroom is a good spot to show off your kids’ art. At the end of each school year, take some time to think about what you want to keep. Each child should have an A3 project folder to keep their art. These folders are slim, so they can fit on top of a cabinet or down the side of a sofa or closet.


This is my list of the best ways to clean up your house, room by room. If it still seems too hard or stressful, and you don’t know how or where to start, please send me a message so we can talk about how I can help you more.


If you have tried and can’t do it yourself, then get a trusted service like to help you declutter, organise and deep clean your home so it becomes easier for you to find the things you need and you can maintain the changes they have made.


Available 7 days a week; schedule an appointment at: cleaning-services-booking/ or Call us on: 02036094538

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